Accommodation on Losinj
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Accommodation on Losinj Island

Aurora Wellness
Boutique Hotel Alhambra

Find Hotels in Losinj

Veli Losinj Hostel
Veli Losinj Youth Hostel

The main centre for hotels on Losinj Island is Cikat Bay in Mali Losinj which offers an assortment of resort-style hotels on woodsy Cikat peninsula plus the excellent and classy Wellness Hotel Aurora in Cikat Bay. If you stay on the port you're only a few minutes walk from the beaches of Cikat bay. There is also a good selection of private accommodation.

Veli Losinj also has a few hotels and some private accommodation. Also consider Nerezine, a town and port on the northeastern coast of Losinj Island, which offers the four-star Hotel Manora.

Hotels in Mali Losinj

Five-star hotels in Mali Losinj
Hotel Bellevue
Boutique Hotel Alhambra & Villa Augusta--one of the best new hotels of 2015
Villa Hortensia

Four-star hotels in Mali Losinj
Wellness Hotel Aurora
Hotel Vespera
Mare Mare Suites

Three-star hotels in Mali Losinj
Hotel Bellevue

Apartment-Hotel in Mali Losinj
Apartments Ercegovic
Apartments Ana

Hotels in Veli Losinj

Three-star hotels in Veli Losinj
Hotel Vel Losinj
Hotel Punta
Hotel Capri

Hostels in Veli Losinj

Veli Losinj Youth Hostel

Hotels in Nerezine

Four-star hotels in Nerezine
Hotel Manora

Three-star hotels in Nerezine
Hotel Televrin


Campers are in luck as Camping Poljana is considered one of Croatia best campsites. And, Camping Cres Losinj has several beautifully located campgrounds on Losinj and Cres islands.

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